How to Prepare a Real Estate Investor Financial Report

How to Prepare a Real Estate Investor Financial Report

If you are looking for information regarding preparing a real estate investor financial report then you just might have stumbled onto the right information. I will try to provide you with some very simplified guidelines towards preparing a financial report for your real estate investment. Whether you are a property investor or looking for investors it is equally important that you have a properly prepared financial report in order to facilitate the transaction and allow for smoother business. It is very important that you have all of your documents and paper work in order before you go out there looking for investments.

The following are some of the few simple guidelines that could help you in preparing your financial report.

1 Prepare your necessary documents. While preparing a financial report for a real estate investor it is highly important that documents like bank statements, insurance documents, I.R.A accounts, mortgage statements, …

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Financial Fraud Can Happen to Anyone

Financial Fraud Can Happen to Anyone

In 2008 it was discovered that Bernard Madoff, famed financial investor, had scammed clients out of approximately $65 billion over 20 years. His victims included people from all walks of life–from politics, to Hollywood luminaries.

The list even includes Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel and his Foundation for Humanity. Madoff stole from many in his Jewish community, not all of them wealthy.

He fooled investors, big and small, with claims of exclusivity and consistently positive returns. A year later in 2009, a seemingly endless string of similar scams began to surface.

Although the most sensationalized scandals were large-scale, many scams also occurred in small communities across America. They may not have made the papers, but these small scale con artists still cheated their victims out of every last penny.

No matter what regulators may devise, there will always be con artists on both big and small scales. They have existed long …

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