Phantom Commercial Loans

Phantom Commercial Loans

The description of phantom commercial loans was inspired by earlier terminology related to phantom software or similar phrases which generally referred to high tech companies announcing that they were planning to issue new products at some vague point in the future. The usual motivation was to discourage consumers from buying a competitive product because the manufacturer would usually suggest that their yet to be released product would surpass an existing item in one or more ways. Because such a large percentage of these announcements were often not followed by the actual sale of software, the product which was announced with such fanfare but never ultimately made available for sale became known in many circles as phantom software because the intended use of the definition suggests something that only appears to be real.

Sadly a similar event is now occurring more frequently with respect to business financing and working capital finance. …

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Need For Venture Capital Stable in Questionable Economy

Need For Venture Capital Stable in Questionable Economy

The declining economic trend continues. An old axiom in business says that the best time to start a business is during an economic crisis, but all indications show a similar downward trend in available venture capital.

It seems that most venture capital groups sit with cash, overcoming the uncertainties that dominate the economy. Not because the money isn’t there; the group just doesn’t want to take the risk now. Why is that?

The aim of most new companies is to make it an IPO or be acquired by another company. The failure rate in starting a business is very worrying. With rising fuel costs an increase in the costs of all other things, including capital equipment, labor and supplies, as well as construction and real estate. Companies that will not invest in their own businesses will most likely not acquire other companies. With the high costs associated with starting a …

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