5 Types of Direct Marketing

5 Types of Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is a form of marketing that engages directly with the customer as opposed to marketing through and advertising middle-man and marketing to the masses. The core concept of direct marketing is aiming marketing efforts towards a targeted audience that may have an interest in purchasing the company’s products and/or services. A 2019 study determined that direct marketing has a 29% return on investment.

There are several different types of direct marketing, but this article will focus on the top five most used and most successful strategies. 

Direct mail

Direct mail is a more personalized approach that is both versatile and flexible. The business can direct the mail to a home or business address and personalize the mail, as well as scale up or down on efforts. It is relatively inexpensive but has been proven to be very effective. Examples include:

Direct selling

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How To Build an Emergency Fund

How To Build an Emergency Fund

Everyone knows that it’s important to have a solid monthly budget. Unexpected expenses can easily derail it, though, if you’re not careful. To protect your finances, you need savings that you can dip into when sudden issues arise. Here are some tips for building a functional emergency fund.

Set Reasonable Goals

Start with your existing budget. If you already have a savings plan built into it, consider reallocating part of that monthly commitment to a separate savings account. That way, you keep the money you’re saving for planned extra expenses such as vacations or gifts separate from your emergency fund. Divide all your expenses into essential and nonessential categories. This can reveal more money available to build up your emergency fund more quickly. Eventually, it’s a good idea to have the equivalent of at least three months’ salary saved up. If the emergency forces you to take a sabbatical …

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