How Purchasing Pet Insurance May Actually Save You Money

How Purchasing Pet Insurance May Actually Save You Money

Similar to humans, believe pets also experience health complications and plights. While many veterinarian visits are mandatory such as annual check-ups and vaccination shots, pet owners will conceivably make an emergency visit to the veterinarian at least once in their pet’s lifespan. Although an unfortunate event, life mishaps transpire unexpectedly. Furthermore, alike humans, health and medication bills can be extortionate, particularly unexpected ones. Consequently, humans elect to enroll in a health insurance plan by remunerating a fixed monthly premium, evidently saving them significant amounts of capital when faced with a medical expense. However, this factor is often overlooked by many pet owners. As a matter of fact, less than 1% of all-American dogs and cats are insured. This is a staggering number considering that over 68% of American households own a pet, totaling close to 200 million pets.

In the United States, the pet insurance market is expected to surpass …

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